Childers Showgirl

We welcome your interest in becoming an entrant in the Childers Miss Showgirl Competition and Fundraiser Competition. The Miss Showgirl Awards seek young ladies who live or have an involvement in the local area to represent the show movement for 12 months (until the next Show Soiree). The role is to encourage and promote the agricultural show movement to youth.

Being a Showgirl means being involved in the local Show; presenting prizes, sashing livestock, generally being in the public eye, mingling with the crowd and assisting in promoting the following year’s competition.

The Queensland Country Life Showgirl program aims to recognise, develop and celebrate young female leaders in our communities. The Showgirl Awards allows agricultural shows to engage young women in their communities to develop their leadership skills and confidence to continue their involvement in, and representation of their agricultural show.

Open to ladies 18-28 years old.

2021 Childers Showgirl

Kaylee Bugden

Kaylee rose to the challenge of being the 2021 Childers Miss Showgirl, not only did she immerse herself in the Show Day experience, Kaylee also competed in the horse sporting events on the day. An avid animal lover who one day hopes to own her own property where she can breed and train horses. Being new to the Childers area Kaylee wanted to get involved in the community in the best way she knew how, through the show movement.

Childers Rural Ambassador

We welcome your interest in becoming an entrant in the Childers Rural Ambassador Competition and Fundraiser Competition. The aim of the Rural Ambassador Awards is to highlight the importance of young people in rural and regional Queensland, in particular those associated with the Agricultural Show movement. The award identifies those people actively involved in their local Show, who have a sound knowledge of current rural issues affecting their local areas, Queensland and Australia and have a strong affiliation with agriculture.

Being a Rural Ambassador means being involved in the local Show and agricultural movement; presenting prizes, sashing livestock, generally being in the public eye, mingling with the crowd and assisting with the following years competition.

The award seeks young people who symbolise the rural spirit – people with vitality who are forward thinking and with a passion for the land and local agricultural shows.

Open to both ladies and gentlemen 20-30 years old.

Junior Showgirl

Junior Showgirl (13-17 years)

Junior Rural Ambassador

Junior Rural Ambassador (13-19 years)


Would you like more information about the Showgirl and Rural Ambassador Competition. Send us a message and our Showgirl Coordinator, Paige will be in touch.